Brewed with our talented friends at Blindman Brewing in Alberta to showcase the diversity of flavours that can come from different fermentations.
Hazy IPA
With friends we’ve brewed this one thinking of the future, to new beers and new horizons. this IPA is made with our favourite kveik yeast — fruity, juicy and hazy. This one will open up and expand and satisfy. Grab one and grab a spot on a deck or patio and take it all in.
West Coast IPA
Halfway between our breweries puts us somewhere in the Rockies—a place that gives us all a sense of comfort and expansion and, oddly, belonging. Kind of like a beer like this—an old-school West Coast IPA. A little darker, a little more bitter, and oh-so drinkable. Grab one and grab a spot on a deck or patio and take it all in.